Squash Competition & Coaching.
Booking a Squash Court
​The online booking system enables members to book squash courts at any time that they are not being used for competition, coaching or other organized events. Members booking to play with a guest will incur the guest fee which is payable at the time of booking.
The Club has 4 state of the art squash courts. Court 1 is all glass tournament surface (the only all glass court of its type in the state) and courts 2-4 are competition system courts. All players are asked to adhere to our strict no black soled shoes policy when playing on these courts.
Court usage is free for members (except social members). Court bookings are mandatory
Cancellation of court booking is to be done no less than 12 hours prior or a cancellation fee may apply
To adjust or cancel your booking access can be made via the link on your confirmation email
Guests of members attract a guest fee of $20 per adult & $5 per junior (under 18 years)
In order to make a booking via the GPHC online system you will need to provide your name and email. Members will also need to provide the number on their membership card (under their name). Your first name will appear on the booking and is visible to the public.
Non-Member Bookings
Non-member bookings for Squash are available via web booking only. Squash Court 4 may be booked from 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. Non-member bookings are $35 per hour plus merchant fee. Squash racquets may be hired from reception or the bar for $7.50 ea and balls can be purchased either via the Pro-Shop or the bar.
Competition Squash
Grace Park Hawthorn Club is extremely active in competitive squash, catering for all ages and standards. Information regarding the variety of competitions the Club participates in can be found below.
GPHC has teams across the following competitions:
Club Circuit
Masters Grades
Plus a very competitive in-house competition!
Useful links
Squash Victoria
Squash competition culminates in a relaxed social atmosphere with supper and our fully stocked bar.
Any new players wishing to compete should contact the club via the form below

Squash Coaching
GPHC is thrilled to have Selena Shaikh as head squash coach. Selena and her team from Shaikhit Training will bring a new level of squash performance to our club. Ultimately, Selena sees squash as a competitive challenge and aims to help players to improve performance as a way to get more enjoyment from the game we all love.
Whether you want one on one coaching or prefer training in a small or large group setting Selena will offer a range of squash coaching and fitness training options. “We want people of any level to feel that there is a coaching option available that can help them improve their squash. From beginners to our club’s best, I am confident we can help anyone find that little bit extra, mainly because I believe it’s in there anyway and our job is to help players realise what they are capable of.” said Selena.

Shaikhit Training will also run junior sessions and school sessions which promise to be a fantastic introduction to squash, a way of finding our future champions and helping them to love and enjoy the game as they progress.
Selena comes with a first class squash pedigree:
A full time squash pro since turning 18
Has been ranked in the world top 100
Represented Australia twice
Captain of the Australian Team at the 2011 Junior World Championships
Holds Certificate 3 and 4 in Fitness
Level 1 PSCAA Squash Coach
You can book sessions with Selena and her team, any time the centre is open, in person, through her website, www.shaikhit.com.au or on 0412 429 136.
Squash Enquiries